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Summer Camp

Troop 401 went to Kandersteg, Switzerland for a week of summer camp. To get to the camp, we took a plane to Zurich airport, took a train to Kandersteg, and then walked for about a mile into camp.

The activities were divided into three age groups. In the first one, the new scouts work on rank requirements for ranks scout, tenderfoot, second class, and first class. In the second group, scouts would complete merit badges such as archery, swimming, wilderness survival etc. In the third group, older scouts would do summit where they could do hiking, climbing, rafting etc.

On the last day of camp, the units have a free day where they can go and do something as a troop. On our free day, we went to the Öschinensee where we went hiking, rowing, swimming, and on an alpine roller coaster.

We met scouts from across the council as well as from other parts of the world.

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