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Cub Scouts Applications & Forms

A boy or girl may join Pack 175 upon turning age 5 (US Kindergarten, UK Year 1)



1) BSA Medical Form: Complete Parts A & B of the medical form and upload.  This form is required by the BSA and must be updated each year. For those of us covered by the NHS, it should be sufficient to just list that on the form. Also, the exact details of immunizations aren't necessary; if they are current you can simply indicate that. 


2) DBS Background Checks and YPT training are required for all parents.  See link below for more information and directions.

Submit Medical Forms
Medical Forms
*Name forms as follows:  Last Name_ First Name_Medical Form


1) New BSA Online Youth Registration:  Use this form:, or scan the QR code displayed. 

If you have any questions or difficulties with the process, email us at


2) Scouts transferring from another Pack can do this at my.scouting. In the menus at the left, select "My Applications." Select the transfer button for your scout and fill in the required information. Email us at if you need help.


2) For Parents of New Lion and Tiger Scouts (Kindergarten - 1st grade / Yr 1, 2) - Lion and Tiger parents are automatically ​registered as Adult Partners, and do not need to fill in an adult application.

Submit Paper Forms
BSA Adult and Transfer Registration Forms
*Name forms as follows:  Last Name_First Name_AdultReg
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