Outdoor Derby at Gilwell
The troop headed to Gilwell Park for the annual outdoor derby. This is a big interpatrol competition with activities led by senior scouts....
Camping and Abseiling at Harrison's Rocks
Troop 401 headed to Birchden Wood near Tunbridge Wells for a weekend of camping, wild camping skills and abseiling. We met at St. John's...
Summer Camp
Troop 401 went to Kandersteg, Switzerland for a week of summer camp. To get to the camp, we took a plane to Zurich airport, took a train...
Troop 401 Outdoor Derby at Gilwell Park
The Outdoor Derby took place from the 9th to the 11th of November at Gilwell Park. We did six activities, which were pioneering,...
Troop 401 Mayflower Camporee
Troop 401 Mayflower Camporee 28 - 30 September 2018 On Friday, 28 September 2018, was the fall Mayflower Camporee. The theme was the Way...
Philmont... Plan B!
Philmont Scout Ranch was closed this season due to forest fires. The news was disappointing but the crew quickly rallied and formed a...
Camp Staff at Camp Alpine
We had one scout this year who joined the Camp Staff at Camp Alpine in Switzerland. He was there for both weeks of camp and led the...
Summer Camp - Camp Alpine in Kandersteg, Switzerland
Camp Alpine - the BEST summer camp ever! We traveled to Kandersteg via planes, trains & automobiles to spend an amazing week in the heart...